Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Monday said the former rulers played havoc with the country by burdening every child with debt. "Past governments took loans in the name of people but the amount was not spent on them and the incumbent government inherited a devastated economy with weakened institutions and the people are fully aware of the fact that past rulers had ruined the national economy," the CM said.
"Those who sabotaged the journey of development and prosperity will have to be answerable of their deeds," he added. The CM maintained that the PTI government has made difficult decisions to put the economy on the right track and midnight oil is burnt to put the country in the right direction.
"People will soon witness a prospered and transformed Pakistan," he said. In a statement issued here on Monday, the CM said that the country has been bankrupted due to inefficiency and wrong policies of the past rulers adding that mere lip-service was done but the era of hollow slogans is over now. He said the incumbent government is taking practical steps to provide relief to the masses as nothing is important than the public welfare. "We are striving for resolution of public problems and every moment of the government is devoted to providing a better future to the nation," he said, adding: "We will come up to the expectations of the people and no one will be allowed to create hurdles in the struggle for a new Pakistan."