Reacting to Prime Minister's address to the nation, the Punjab chief minister Sardar Usman Buzdar Wednesday said that Imran Khan's address is voice of the whole nation. "The PM Imran Khan has vigorously represented the aspirations of 220 million people of Pakistan because they want an end to the menace of corruption as well as strict accountability of the corrupt elements," the CM said.
According to him, the people want that looters should be given exemplary punishments and the looted money should also be brought back to the country. The corrupt have incurred irreparable losses to the country and they will not escape from their logical end. He said that struggle of the PTI against corruption is proving meaningful and added that corruption is impossible in the tenure of Prime Minister Imran Khan. "We pay tributes to PM Imran Khan for standing tall and strong in the struggle against the corruption," he said, adding: "The people are not siding with the corrupt. An honest leadership will wriggle the country out of the quagmire of crises and new records of transparency will also be set."
Moreover, the Punjab CM in a meeting with the vice-chairman of the Punjab Social Protection Authority (PSPA), Ali Asjad Malhi said that promise of welfare of the deserving and needy people will be fulfilled through new social protection policy.
During the meeting, various matters including the performance and role played by the PSPA came under discussion. Terming the PSPA's role towards the welfare of the low-income families and the down-trodden as very important, he said the PTI government gives importance to the welfare of the deserving people especially women, children and abandoned elders.
According to him, the purpose of social protection policy is to bring ease in the lives of the impecunious strata. For that purpose, special projects are being started for the deserving women, children and the elders and new programmes will also be formulated for speedy wellbeing of the low-income families. He said that one-window welfare counters are being established at e-khidmat centres to facilitate the needy segments of the society who will be provided the services of PSPA through these counters. He added that womenfolk of rural areas will be made economically self-reliant through human capital investment project.