"The present and future role played by the private sector in the ILO future of work agenda needs to be truly recognized in order to ensure sustainable economic growth based on productivity and enabling environment for business together with decent work. Unfortunately, the role of the private sector has not been clearly recognized, whereas, the private sector has the ability and the potential to contribute in formalizing the informal sector, generate production and employment by harnessing technological projects, collaborating with the academia to promote innovation and help develop training methods and curricula to meet future labor needs and demands".
This was stated by Majyd Aziz, President Employers Federation of Pakistan, in his address at the plenary session of International Labor Conference of International Labor Organization at Palais De Nations in Geneva.
Highlighting the position of EFP regarding the report of director general ILO Guy Ryder, Majyd Aziz added that EFP has taken some very concrete steps in pursuing the human centered agenda for The Future of Work by Envisioning the Skill Pakistan 2030 initiative through which EFP aims to take full advantage of the demographic youth dividend by imparting to them the demand driven skill of the future of work and thus optimize on investing in the vast human capital necessary for sustainable industrial growth. EFP is also working with the government in developing national migration policy in line with the recommendations of the South Asian Forum of Employers held in New Delhi in February 2019, whereby, the private sector has shown its deep commitment to apply decent work standards including the use of fair recruitments systems, banning of child and forced labor, applying written labor contracts and providing equal protection on the work floor, promoting nondiscriminatory practices and skill development supporting training in company or at the sectoral level both for local and migrant workers.
Majyd Aziz further informed that Employers' Federation of Pakistan is actively working with the specially established labor experts group under the Prime Minister's office to redefine the social protection floor with a view to extend its benefits to the home-based workers, domestic workers, and informal workers in the formal economy by documenting them.
Majyd Aziz said that EFP places on record its disagreement on recommendation relating to the notion of universal labor guarantee and recommendation relating to the concept of times sovereignty mainly because of their unrealistic and costly nature.
Majyd Aziz also said that EFP has serious concern on the proposal to set an international governance system for digital labor platforms that sets and requires platforms and their clients to respect certain minimum rights and protections.
Finally, Majyd Aziz added that having expressed reservations in certain areas, the Employers' Federation of Pakistan positively responds to the ILO Director General's call to take responsibility for building just and equitable future of work. EFP is ready to initiate social dialogue of stakeholders along with the ILO to establish national strategies on the future of work, taking into account the ground realities of our national economies and the crucial need to prepare the labor market to respond to the challenges of future of work.-PR