Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Monday said that the opposition parties are not sincere with each other and their unnatural alliance will come to its logical end soon. "Opposition, which is bent upon spreading anarchy and chaos, is itself facing disintegration and after the failure of APC, its remaining credibility is also lost," Buzdar said in a statement here on Monday.
The CM maintained that attitude of the opposition, inside and outside the Parliament, is undemocratic and those who remained in power for many years badly ignored basic necessities of life of the people.
The past rulers did nothing in their tenures as roads bridges, and buildings were their only priorities. On the other side, the incumbent government has focused on human development instead of wasting resources on self-projection schemes, the CM added.
Moreover, Sardar Usman Buzdar chaired an important meeting here on Monday in which various matters pertaining to the entry test of medical colleges came under discussion.
The meeting ruminated on the proposals of molding the exam and entry test marks on the pattern of engineering universities' entry tests for admission in medical colleges.
The meeting was told that entry test for admission in medical colleges will be held in the last week of August this year and PMDC will also be consulted for the determination of entry test numbers for admissions in medical colleges.
Health Minister Dr Yasmeen Rashid, ACS (Home) and secretaries of law, specialized healthcare and medical education and higher education departments attended the meeting.
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has taken notice of late arrival of the ambulance in Hassanabad area of Multan and sought a report from ACS (Home) and DG Rescue 1122.
He has directed to take disciplinary action with regard to delay in rescue and asked the DG Rescue to immediately reach Multan for submission of inquiry report within 24 hours. There is no justification of delay and the ambulance should have immediately reached the place of incident, he added.