Partly Facetious : Zardari didn't have twitter account

06 Jul, 2019

"There is something about his thanking everyone that I find inexplicable."
"That's lesson 101 that our parents teach us, be thankful first to God, then to family as well as to all those who are kind."
"How do you define kind?"
"Oh, that's a tough one...I suppose going beyond what is expected in terms of compassion, or caring or being benevolent, considerate..."
"I don't quite agree - I mean would you think you are being kind if you thank me for opening the door if I am the doorman? I mean that's in my job description, to open doors, and if I don't open the door I may lose my job."
"Why are you getting so technical about a word in use every day? Besides what made you think of this?"
"High Speed Hafeez Sheikh, the man who has learnt to tweet since last he was the country's finance minister..."
"I don't think he is high speed - he speaks very slowly, he walks slowly, he..."
"True, but his objectives are very high, the revenue target, the expenditure target..."
"Don't be facetious; anyway, he tweets because he is a true follower."
"I don't get you."
"Zardari sahib did not have a twitter account and if I recall Gilani and Raja sahib also didn't have a twitter account but The Khan does."
"I see, but did you hear him dismiss tweets claiming industrial units are shutting down..."
"Ha ha, he did that because he wanted to keep The Khan convinced that his budget would have no negative outcome."
"But that was contrary, if anything..."
"Hey, being contrary is not a taboo in politics."
"He claims to be a technocrat..."
"Turned politician."
"OK, anyway during the Zardari government HS even thanked his state hired driver during the budget speech and his most recent tweet thanked the IMF for the loan and..."
"That loan and its front loaded conditions were courtesy him but thanking the Arabs didn't seem appropriate as he had nothing to do with..."
"In Pakistan politicians and technocrats learn to take credit whether it is deserved or not."

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