Partly Facetious : The Tape

10 Jul, 2019

"Shahbaz Sharif is not that much of a walk over by his what I reckon."
"Really! That is your take on The Tape - which the niece reckons would secure the release of daddy, three time prime minister and..."
"Ha ha, I was just thinking - whether the nawalas constant reference to Nawaz Sharif being three times prime minister is a reflection of our, as in the public's, good sense rather than his performance..."
"Oh shush, he is not once, not twice but the magic number three times the prime minister - recall Julius Caesar refusing the crown thrice, recall..."
"OK I stand corrected, so why do you reckon The Uncle is not a walk over by his niece? From what I remember of the press conference The Uncle sat down and the seat did not indicate that it was The Chair if you know what I mean, not until he got up and changed seats with his niece and then..."
"Perhaps he didn't know that these days they have microphones that are easily moveable and adjustable and..."
"And that's why I think he is not a walk over for his niece. He allowed her to make all the charges reference The Tape because he knows that in this country the women folk, wives and daughters, even though they benefit from any ill gotten wealth are not considered guilty of the crime itself..."
"Oh you are so bad!"
"She says she has other tapes too."
"I don't doubt that at all, and this was confirmed by her brother as well and I reckon he had a hand in getting the tape, see The Khan doesn't understand that money talks not only in Pakistan but all over the world; and let's be honest the Sharifs are now spending money to get daddy out of the country, and so The Khan has to have debugging instruments whenever he talks privately to anyone..."
"You reckon The Khan is on the tape?"
"Or someone high-up backing him."
"But what would the tape do I ask you?"
"That's a good point. I reckon even if they have an admission by Nawaz Sharif on video that he is guilty of misuse of authority to enrich his family that tape would not mean he loses the case or votes you know..."
"But he is not on the tape; it's the other side - perhaps The Khan though I doubt that, perhaps heads of our institutions..."
"Mark my words, the storm will remain in the media and the media operates within a teacup if you know what I mean."
"Don't be facetious."

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