Acting Chief Justice Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Friday wrote to the Ministry of Law and Justice to withdraw Arshad Malik's services as judge of the Accountability Court, Islamabad, in the aftermath of the leaked video. Arshad Malik, who met the acting CJ IHC Amir Farooq on Thursday last, wrote a letter and submitted an affidavit which on the orders of Justice Amir to IHC Registrar, are to be made part of Nawaz Sharif's appeal in the Al-Azizia Mills case.
Judge Malik on December 4, 2018, handed former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif seven years jail in the Al-Azizia Steel Mills corruption reference. He, however, had acquitted him in another reference related to Flagship Investments.
The acting CJ IHC on July 9 had met with Chief Justice of Pakistan Asif Saeed Khan Khosa in the latter's chambers to discuss the leaked video of the Accountability Court judge.