In the wake of possible threat of flood, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has directed the line departments to remain fully vigilant and alert. He directed to remove encroachments in riverine areas and disclosed that latest weather radar will be installed with an amount of Rs737 million in Sialkot, to monitor the weather situation. He also directed to work on an emergency basis to improve the organizational capacity of Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA).
The CM chaired a high-level meeting at his office on Wednesday, to review the performance of Primary & Secondary Health, Specialized Health & Medical Education, Board of Revenue, Punjab Land Record Authority, PDMA, Industries, and Agriculture departments.
The meeting also reviewed the ongoing public welfare schemes for the citizens of Lahore. The CM directed to expedite the development work for providing early relief to the people.
Addressing the meeting, the CM said that every possible step will be taken to facilitate the people. "We do not believe in lip-service but the people will be facilitated through practical measures," he said, adding: "Billions of rupees were wasted on exhibitory projects during the last 10 years and criminal negligence was shown by totally ignoring the fundamental needs of the people."
The CM directed that construction of 115 new Arazi centres should be completed by December 31, which will create more employment opportunities besides providing relief to the people.
Sardar Usman Buzdar said that the healthcare system is being improved by revamping the health department on modern lines. The government is recruiting new doctors to fulfil their shortage in remote areas.
He emphasized that the medicines' procurement system will be made foolproof. He said that emergencies of THQ hospitals will be upgraded and in the first phase, emergencies of 100 THQ hospitals will be upgraded.
He disclosed that the Punjab government is going to start a new project worth Rs14 billion to improve the sewerage system of Lahore. Further, a project costing billions of rupees is being launched in the provincial metropolis to provide clean drinking water to the people. Similarly, comprehensive planning has been made to repair street lights and roads patchwork in Lahore, he added.
Provincial Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid, SMBR, Principal Secretary to CM, Secretary Specialized Health & Medical Education, Secretary Agriculture, Secretary Industries, Commissioner Lahore Division, Special Secretary Primary & Secondary Health, DG PDMA, DG Punjab Land Record Authority and head of SMU attended the meeting.
Moreover, the CM has expressed a deep sense of sorrow and grief over the loss of precious human lives due to roofs falling in Kot Abdul Malik and Kahna. He extended sympathies to the bereaved families and directed that injured be provided with best treatment facilities.