Partly Facetious : The Senate victory for Khan

03 Aug, 2019

"Another victory for The Khan!"
"Indeed and a victory that is hollow on two counts: one because he didn't need to put his foot out to save Sanjrani who is not a PTI man, and had he opted to publicly announce that he is not interested in who the chairman senate is then he would have effectively taken the wind out of the Opposition's sails."
"Hey, the psyche of our politicians is different. You do the reverse of what the opposition wants - somewhat like how teenagers act with their parents - and then if you win you have not only taken away the wind from their sails but the sails too."
"Ah, so no sails and hence no sailing!"
"Right, but our political history teaches us that those who are down and out today are not down and out tomorrow..."
"You reckon political fortunes in our land are like business cycles - up and down."
"Right, and when you are up you don't expect to ever come down, and I mean ever."
"I guess, anyway the second point I wanted to make was that I hope our tax money was not used to, how can I put it? To work on the conscience of the senators..."
"That you will never know but do you reckon it was the PPP senators or the PML-N senators who voted Sanjrani?"
"Both, I saw Rehman Malik and he told me that he had voted against Sanjrani."
"Was he eating a banana when he said that?"
"Don't be facetious."
"Anyway, five Opposition senators stamped the ballot paper in a way that their votes were declared null and void and nine of them voted for Sanjrani..."
"Hmm, give the five the benefit of the doubt - maybe they genuinely didn't know they were casting an invalid vote - I mean given that Sanjrani himself needed another ballot paper..."
"Had these five voted against Sanjrani he would have been out - see 55 against 45 votes..."
"If wishes were horses..."
"Hey didn't the vote of no confidence against senate chairman prove that beggars do ride in this country."
"Ha ha, that's true - rags to riches hunh!"

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