Iraq suspends US-funded TV

03 Sep, 2019

Iraq's media commission Monday slapped a three-month suspension on the US-funded Al-Hurra TV for airing a controversial report alleging corruption in the country's powerful Sunni and Shia religious institutions. The 12-minute documentary broadcast on Saturday claimed that Sunni and Shia Muslim authorities were misusing state funds and had suspicious ties to armed factions.
Iraq's Communications and Media Commission said it found the report lacking professionalism, balance, and reliable evidence. It ordered a "suspension of Al-Hurra Iraq's license for three months and a halt to its activities until it corrects its position" and demanded that it broadcasts a formal apology.
"These steps are tantamount to a final warning to the station, and a tougher punishment will be taken in case this offence is repeated," the statement said. Al-Hurra dismissed the criticism saying its "investigative report was fair, precise and professional".

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