Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Provincial Law Minister Raja Basharat, to probe the matter of marriage of a girl belonging to Sikh community in Nankana Sahib. Other members of the committee include Provincial Auqaf Minister, Minister for Human Rights & Minorities Affairs, Bishop of Lahore. Assistant Professor Mumpal Singh of KEMU, President Hindu Council of Pakistan Manwar Chand, Musarrat Jamshed Cheema PMA and Muhammad Atif MPA.
This committee would identify the facts responsible for incurring of the incident and recommend feasible solutions. It would also review inter-religious harmony so as to deal with such incidents in future. This committee would also propose steps to promote the sense of protection in the minorities along with giving recommendations for durable solution of such other problems. Expressing condolences and heartfelt sympathies with the CM KPK and his family, Sardar Usman prayed that may Allah Almighty rest the departed soul in eternal peace and grant courage and strength to the members of the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss with equanimity.