Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Tuesday inaugurated a road construction project in Hafizabad which is a part of the 'Naya Pakistan Manzaleen Aasan' programme. "A 1236-km long carpeted road will be constructed in rural areas of the province with an amount of Rs 15 billion during the first phase of this programme. Initially, the 8.3-km long road will be constructed from Sindhwan Tarrar to Bluno, via Mogi," disclosed the CM's spokesperson.
Moreover, the CM also inaugurated various development schemes in Kolo Tarrar area of Hafizabad, including Government Degree College for Women, Rescue-1122 centre for Pindi Bhattian and Police Khidmat Markaz. He also started a tree plantation drive by planting. The tree plantation will be carried out on an area of 58 kanal of state land retrieved from the land grabbers
Addressing a ceremony at Kolo Tarrar, Usman Buzdar said that the PTI government has devised a comprehensive strategy to develop the backward areas and added that 'Naya Pakistan Manzaleen Aasan' programme is being launched from Hafizabad district. This programme will continue for five years to build carpeted roads in villages. The next phase will start from January 2020 to be completed by December 31, 2020," he added.
According to him, seven development schemes worth Rs 5.444 billion will be completed in Hafizabad under the annual development programme. Meanwhile, Rs 200 million has been allocated for various projects in Hafizabad district under the community development programme. Another amount of Rs 150 million has also been allocated for village related development schemes under SDG programme.
The CM said that DHQ Hospital Hafizabad will be upgraded along with improving the condition of the roads, as there is no difference between Hafizabad and DG Khan. "A girl's college has been constructed with at a cost of Rs 126.6 million and Rescue-1122 centre and Police Khidmat Markaz are starting their services in Pindi Bhattian," he added.
He also said that 794 kanal of state land were retrieved during an anti-encroachment campaign in Hafizabad. "Tree plantation is being carried out on over 58-kanal land having a market value of Rs 1.643 billion. Around 500 million saplings will be planted during the next five years in collaboration with the Federal government.