Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Wednesday said that national economy will be strengthened to ensuring business-friendly environment to the investors. "Solid strategy has been adopted to promote new investment while facilities have been increased for the investors," the CM said, adding: "Business-environment has been much improved and the investors would not succumb to any bureaucratic hurdles."
He said this while talking to the Chairman Punjab Board of Investment and Trade (PBIT) Sardar Tanvir Ilyas who called on him here on Wednesday. Chairman PBIT apprised the CM about the steps being taken for bringing ease in business-culture as well as promotion of investment. He said that capacity of the PBIT has been increased and achievement of targets has been given due attention in order to increase investment.
The chief minister said that no one will be allowed to create hurdles in the process of boosting business activities as it creates new job opportunities. "The PBIT will have to work as per modern day needs as ample opportunities of investment are available in Punjab; the PBIT will have to play proactively for the promotion of investment and steps will have to be taken to promote investment in the province," he said.
Moreover, Usman Buzdar has directed to expedite the police reforms and vowed that archaic police culture will be transformed. He said the Punjab police will be synchronized with the needs of the hour and lamented that it was used for political purposes by the previous governments. On the other side, the PTI government is taking every possible step to improve the police system and there is no room for corrupt in the police, he said.