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Message from Chief of Army Staff

07 Sep, 2019

Pakistan is passing through a defining moment of its history. Forces inimical to our peace and solidarity have gravely destabilized our region which calls for greater vigilance on the part of nation in general and Armed Forces in particular. Pakistan Army is alive to the enormity of the challenge facing the nation. Our adversaries are trying to exploit the complex regional environment to suit their nefarious ends but we are determined to thwart all attempts and designs aimed at our unity, integrity and solidarity.
Alhamdulillah, Pakistan Army is fully equipped and trained to successfully deal with any aggressive designs. Our accomplishments during the prolonged war on terror are testimony to our professional competence and fortitude which remains the proud legacy of generations of soldiers and military leaders. Recently the enemy put to test our strength, resolve and national unity through a dastardly breach of our sovereignty but was humbled by our prompt and befitting response. The nation must remain assured at all times that the defenders of its frontiers will never concede to any hegemonic designs, nor will they ever consider their lives and comfort of any value against national honour and integrity.
This day reminds us of the permanent fact that our enemy considers our existence as an impediment to its imperialist ambitions of regional dominance. Let this day also remind all that Pakistan Army is a firm bulwark against all such vain desires. As a strong and responsible regional power, we possess all the means necessary to safeguard our national solidarity and interests. The brave sons of soil are ever ready to relive the glorious traditions of valour, sacrifice and commitment established by our heroic ancestors. The whole nation stands behind its soldiers who are resolved ever to uphold the national honour and independence, be it to the cost of our last drop of blood.
Pakistan Army Zindabad!
Pakistan Paindabad!

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