Adnan Sami under fire for saying Pakistanis have ‘ostrich mentality’

Updated 02 Mar, 2019

Pakistani-born-Indian Adnan Sami has come under strong criticism for abusing Pakistanis after India's violation of Pakistan’s air space. His dig against Pakistan didn’t go down well with Pakistanis and they have been bashing the singer for abusing his own roots.

Sami took a sharp dig at Pakistani trolls and tweeted, “Dear Pak trolls, it’s not about your egos being given a reality check today; it’s about eliminating terrorists who you claim are also your enemies! Your Ostrich mentality is laughable. Btw, your abuses expose your reality & therefore the only difference between you and a bucket of shit is the bucket”.

Pakistani are now trolling Sami to some another level calling him a ‘spy’ and forgetting his roots who gave him fame and fortune. Sami has also blocked many of his followers on Twitter who were asking about his son's movie debut in Pakistan.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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