* Zhejiang LNG, operated by China National Offshore Oil Corp , will have 7 million tonnes of LNG imports eligible for a rebate this year, up from 5.472 million tonnes in 2018, according to a statement from the Ministry of Finance.
* PetroChina-led Tangshan LNG, Sinopec's.
Guangxi and Tianjin LNG terminals, as well as CNOOC's Tianjin floating LNG project and Shanghai LNG joint venture, have each been given quotas of 6 mln tonnes.
* Tangshan LNG, Tianjin floating LNG and Shanghai LNG had quotas of 5.466 mln tonnes, 3.535 mln tonnes and 3.985 mln tonnes, respectively in 2018, statement said.
* China is the world's second-biggest importer of LNG, behind Japan.