A tribunal headed by a Delhi High Court Judge confirmed the government’s decision to impose ban on the Jamaat-e-Islami, Kashmir Media Service reported.
The tribunal, headed by Justice Chander Shekhar, observed “inescapable conclusion”, saying the Jamaat, its office-bearers and members have been actively indulging in pro-freedom activities, which according to him were unlawful.
The tribunal while toeing in the line of the Modi government observed: “The Government had sufficient credible material and grounds for taking action under sub-Sections (1) & (3) of Section 3 of the (Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for declaring the JI as an unlawful Association.”
On February 28, the Indian government had issued an order declaring the JI as “banned outfit”.
On the night of February 22, the police had carried out a crackdown on the Jamaat cadre and arrested 400 members across the Valley, including its chief Dr Abdul Hamid Fayaz.