Buzdar vows to overcome price hike

Expressing concern over the increase in prices of some essential items and vegetables, the Punjab chief minister Usman Buzdar Tuesday said that action will have to be taken against illegal profiteers and price-control magistrates will have to take practical steps against hoarders and illegal profiteers through field inspections.

"We have to provide relief to the people by overcoming the price-hike and price-control committees will have to actively perform their role as well," he said while chairing a meeting.

The CM directed the cabinet committee on price-control to take strict legal action against those responsible for creating artificial price-hike. Foolproof mechanism will be adopted for the eradication of price-hike, he said.

The chief minister reiterated that the government will go to every extent to protect public rights as well as to provide relief to them.

Talking to assembly members belonging to different districts, the CM said that the PTI government wants to bring stable and positive change in the lives of people. "We will bring change through our deeds instead of making mere gossips", he said, adding: "PTI government believes in politics of truth and do not believe in false claims."

He said that Pakistan is presently confronted with internal and external challenges and those elements endeavoring to create unrest during the present time are not sincere with the country and its people. Prime Minister has rightly become a spokesperson for Kashmiri people at the international forum, he commended.

Moreover, chairing a meeting, the CM reviewed steps taken for eradication of dengue and betterment of treatment facilities to the patients.

The CM directed to continue anti-dengue surveillance by line departments and also pay full attention to indoor and outdoor surveillance along with clinical management of hospitals for the treatment of the patients. There is no room for any leniency in this regard, he warned.

The CM said that there is no justification of agitation by the young doctors as treatment of patients is their fundamental responsibility and strike is unbecoming of the noble profession of doctors. He directed to solve the issues with mutual understanding adding that patients should face no difficulty in their treatment.

The CM in his message on 'World Food Day' said that getting nutritional food is basic right of every human being and a revolutionary programme like shelter homes is not only providing shelter to the deprived people but food also.

Buzdar said that Punjab government has further extended the scope of Food Authority in order to ensure the provision of quality food. The motive behind celebrating World Food Day is to accelerate the efforts in order to overcome the problems arising due to scarcity of food, he said.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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