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Partly Facetious : It's not Minglish but English

07 Nov, 2019

"I am going to be profound and..."

"No thank you."

"Hey what do you have against profundity? It means an in-depth analysis, and the outcome is an intensity of logic and...."

"In today's Pakistan it doesn't mean that!"

"Hey it's an English word so I don't see what today's Pakistan has to do with it. It's not Minglish but English silly!"

"Last somebody insisted he was being profound was Container Shah during a press conference and his profundity was in giving a highly colourful rendition of past dharnas which frankly was not impressive, had so many, many holes...."

"It's all about where the holes in an argument are! Take Hammad Azhar, a lawyer by education and training, installed as a Minister associated with the economy, presenting data that compares apples and oranges and...and half truths and by that I mean insisting that export volumes are up though it is only rice export volume that rose and that too because of China increasing rice imports from Pakistan to the tune of one billion dollars - a fact that may not be repeated because the weather may not favour the rice crop, the farmers may prefer another crop, or the Chinese may find it cheaper to import from another country or.."

"I get it but look at the bright side: at least Azhar had the sense not to compare apples and oranges with radishes..."


"He didn't mention the period March/April 2010 to early 2013 when his boss Hafeez Sheikh held the portfolio of Finance under Zardari sahib who the taxpayers are yet again funding at great cost and...."

"Right anyway what I wanted to say was that the Prime Minister must accept one fact with respect to the dharna participants and...."

"No resignation, I am totally opposed to it and the country can't afford yet another expensive election and..."

"That is not what I was going to be profound about. All I wanted to say was that the Prime Minister must understand that The Maulana is representing only the people from his constituency, he always has and always will for he is not a national leader; but The Khan is the Prime Minister of all Pakistanis, those who voted for him and those who didn't, including those supporting The Maulana's dharna and...."

"I concede; that was profound! Maybe Container Shah needs to attend a freshman level course on how to be profound."

"Aint happening - once they get the portfolio they consider themselves experts over night."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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