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Press freedom: Tributes paid to Daniel Pearl's life, contribution

Acting US Consul General Jack Hillmeyer welcomed a festive crowd of 200 music lovers to a concert organized by the US Consulate General Karachi at the Arts Council Karachi to mark the 17th annual "Daniel Pearl World Music Days." Contemporary Sufi musician, Arieb Azhar performed alongside students from underserved communities of Lyari and Mauripur, who honed their skills through a US-funded music workshop.

"Daniel Pearl truly believed that music has the power to build bridges between people and worked towards cross-cultural understanding with simply a pen and a violin," said Acting Consul General Jack Hillmeyer. "For many Americans, Daniel Pearl remains a symbol of the courage and strength demanded of journalists, their commitment to the truth above all else, and the need to ensure their safety.

"This concert has become a wonderful tradition, and I couldn't be happier that Pakistanis and Americans are once again standing together for tolerance, respect and mutual understanding," Hillmeyer added. As part of the concert, the United States funded four music workshops conducted by Areeb Azhar for underprivileged students from Lyari and Mauripur Karachi.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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