Partly Facetious : Opposition reacts rather than acts

Updated 12 Dec, 2019

"If you bestow a favour then you have to be gracious about it. That's what Islam teaches us."

"But what if you give money to a beggar and he throws in right back at you as not being enough and..."

"You still have to be gracious. You do not pick up the money he has thrown back at you..."

"Don't be facetious, if the one you have bestowed a favour on is not suitably grateful and...and...wait...then proceeds to openly flout, no that's not quite the word I am looking for, openly dismiss your favour as something that has nothing to do with you or your largesse..."

"But, had The Khan and all his khanzadehs, and the 'k' is in lower case, been gracious after letting the Brothers Sharif leave the country then Nawaz Sharif would have had little inclination to go nah nah nah phooh phooh, I don't need you any more..."

"How old are the leaders of our parties? Five?"

"Ha ha, and you and I and our countrymen vote for the leaders not the party, isn't that what one local survey after another claims?"

"Either local surveys are tilted in favour of the ruling party or the people of this country vote for the winner."

"Hmmm, anyway what The Khan and his band of khanzadehs wanted to see was Nawaz Sharif leave the country on a stretcher, not walk to the plane sent gratis we are told by the Qataris and not to walk to the car to go to the hospital and not to summon his faithful Nawalas to London and..."

"If 'khanzadehs' are in small case then why aren't Nawalas also in small case?"

"Because, my friend, the Nawalas have finally taken a course of reaction that is worthy of being labelled as the Opposition, capital O. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi spoke well in the National Assembly without using a swear word, then..."


"In the Land of the Pure the Opposition reacts rather than acts."

"Same way it reacted to the vote of no-confidence against Sanjrani sahib, Chairman Senate?"

"The grapevine is that Zardari sahib, the PhD he was awarded in the political arena, miscalculated a bit and..."

"That's not Zardari sahib's fault. His area of expertise has been in turncoats and specific alliance members..."

"Don't be facetious; anyway, remember the proverb the sins of the fathers etc, etc..."


"Maryam Nawaz may have to pay the price for her dad thumbing his nose at The Khan."

"Let's wait and see."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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