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Partly Facetious : Lawyers on the rampage

13 Dec, 2019

"Did you see the Lahore lawyers rampage?"

"I saw the 100 accusations per minute Chauhan being pulled by the hair and..."

"Hundred accusations per minute against whom?"

"It's plural not singular, so accusations against who. Anyway he hurls accusations against the opposition leadership with the focus on Brothers Sharif and Zardari sahib as well as the Bhutto Zardaris."

"I must say his word speed declined dramatically after his encounter..."

"Don't be facetious; you may change the channel when he begins his verbal attacks against the opposition, which incidentally is in his terms of reference but what happened to him yesterday showed some courage and some..."

"Not delusions that the lawyers would welcome his mediation?"

"Well, that's an occupational hazard - most politicians miscalculate the love the public bears them."

"I see, anyway for your information, by the end of the day Chauhan had accused the PML-N of instigating the lawyers attack on the cardiology hospital."

"Very disturbing that, but don't worry, the Prime Minister took notice..."

"The Prime Minister took notice! Hey, my office boy took notice! I mean it was all over the private channels though Pakistan Television, the station run from our tax money and which has now become a non-partisan channel, was rather quiet about the terrible events unfolding in Lahore."

"You can't compare the Prime Minister taking notice with your office boy taking notice!"

"Why not, for all the good the Prime Minister's notice has done so far. Remember Sahiwal, and this is not The Khan specific observation, remember Model Town, remember 12 May during the Musharraf era..."

"Gotta say one thing for Zardari sahib - no such event took place during his tenure."

"Right, anyway The Khan has requested a report on the incident and I have it on good authority that unlike other reports he intends to read this one and..."

"Why did he do that? All he needs to do is to get television footage and initiate terrorism cases against all those we all saw on our screens and..."

"I do hope so."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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