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Canadian HC meets Karachi businessmen

Samir Dossal, President of Toronto based Canada Pakistan Business Council hosted a business breakfast in Karachi for a group of Pakistani businessmen and professionals who were addressed by Wendy Gilmour the Canadian High Commissioner in Pakistan.

In her introductory remarks, the High Commissioner talked about the strong ties between the two countries. There is over $1 billion two-way trade between Canada and Pakistan. Oil seeds are one of the leading commodities imported by Pakistan. In recent years, there have increased activity in the field of information technology where several Canadian companies have invested in Pakistani startups. One of the leading Canadian IT companies already has a significant footprint with over 600 employees in Pakistan. She also emphasized the growth potential that exists in the areas of education, certification and trade. Engaging with the Pakistani youth is also one of the focal points of the High Commission.

Majyd Aziz, founder of the Corporate Pakistan Group Foreign Relations Council was the co host of the event, he spoke about how CPG Foreign Relations Council is actively engaging with heads of foreign missions in Pakistan and making them more accessible to the Pakistani business community.

Khalid Awan, Chairman of TCS thanked the High Commissioner and the guests for their participation in the interactive session.

The Canada Pakistan Business Council facilitates business activity between two countries and acts as a bridge between those interested in establishing connection with their counterparts.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019

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