Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who has been hosting Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss for almost a decade now, is reportedly quitting the show. He said in a recent interview that he likes Bigg Boss but it gets stressful at times.
Speaking about quitting the show, Salman said, “A part of mine wants to cut that part and throw it out and the other part wants to keep it. And the latter is haavi [dominating] on the part that wants to throw it out," Salman told Mumbai Mirror.
Salman added that hosting Bigg Boss has been a learning experience for him. “I like it. It gets stressful, but I learn a lot. I get to know where the country is going, what is happening to values, morals, scruples and principles. We see it right there, with celebrities. The beauty is once they are out of the house they are not like that at all. It's not as if they are giving performances, the house makes them like that,” he said.
It is still unclear that whether Salman will continue to host the show or will quit it. It’s being reported that he won’t be hosting the extended five weeks of the current season owing to his poor health and professional commitments.
Earlier a media report claimed that Salman is quitting the game because he’s upset with the behaviour of the contestants and that the extended run of five weeks on season 13 will be hosted by Farah Khan.