Punjab law minister Raja Basharat said on Friday that all the recruitments in public service commission were made on merit. It is the only institute where people were get jobs on merit. He expressed these views while opening the discussion on the annual report of the Punjab Public Service Commission for the year 2017 in the House.
He said that recruitment process was completed in 280 days but now it was completed in fifty two days and the list of the selected candidates were sent to the relevant departments. After that chairman Mian Muhammad Shafi asked the opposition to gave the names of the participants who wants to take part in the discussion but out of 170 opposition members only two members were present in the House and they also don't took part in the discussion.
PML-N MPA Mehwish Sultana said that no written intimation was issued to opposition members regarding the discussion on the report. She requested the chair to extend the time of the discussion till Monday.
Law Minister said that government is ready to extend the date till Monday but at once opposition MPA Warris Kallu entered the House and asked for permission to start the debate on the report but Raja Basharat stood on his seat and said that opposition members were not serious in attending the proceedings of the House. They don't reach the House on time and then asked that they should be given floor. He further said those members who were on production order instead of rising the issues of their constituencies in the House were busy in meetings.
Earlier, PML- N MPA Mehwish Sultana submitted an adjournment motion in the House against setting up two new plants of Potassium in the areas of district Chakwal. She said that former chief minister Punjab Shahbaz Sharif had not given the permission of setting up plants because pollution is increasing day by day in these areas but the present government had given permission of the establishment of plants in these areas.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2019