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19 organisations from Pakistan get GDIB awards

Diversity Hub-HR Metrics organized 2020 GDIB Awards and declared 19 organisations from Pakistan as winners on Tuesday.

Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks (Standards for Organizations around the World) support organizations globally in the development and implementation of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) best practices. GDIB was developed by 95 Expert Panelists from around the world, and co-authors Julie O'Mara (Former National President American Society for Training & Development) and Alan Richter, Ph D.

GDIB supports workplace D&I and describes people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership as its focus. While many would make the case that all 17 SDGs support D&I, at least six SDGs (4,5,8,9,10,16) are especially consistent with the GDIB standards.

Diversity Hub-HR Metrics organized 2020 GDIB Awards, calling reputable organizations from all over Pakistan to participate in the awards. GDIB awards is a mechanism to recognize and encourage progressive organizations who use GDIB standards to align D&I with organizational policies and process for sustainable financial and social performance.

A five-member jury panel reviewed award submissions and declared 19 organizations as winners. These organisations include Engro Fertilizers Limited, Metro Cash and Carry, Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund, Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan Limited, Pakistan Tobacco Company, Abacus Consulting Technology Pvt Ltd, Nestle Pakistan, PepsiCo Pakistan, Pakistan Petroleum Limited, Bank Alfalah, Engro Energy Limited, Habib Metropolitan Bank, Khaadi SMC Pvt Ltd, Telenor Pakistan, British Council Pakistan, KFC Pakistan, The First Microfinance Bank, HBL and AGP Limited.

The jury members which include Ayesha Aziz MD Pak Brunei Investment Company, Moneeza Butt PartnerKPMG, Dr Sadia Nadeem Dean FAST School of Management, Dr Jawad Syed Former Dean Suleman Dawood School of Business (LUMS) and Zahid Mubarik CEO HR Metrics Pakistan. Awards will be presented during Annual GDIB Awards & Conference on 4 Mar 2020 at Marriott Karachi. Dr Shamshad Akhtar, Former Governor State Bank of will be the Guest of Honour to present awards to winning organizations.

An increasing number of organizations around the world have made commitments to sustainability and are engaged in sustainability initiatives. Aligning D&I initiatives with sustainability efforts helps strengthen both the sustainability initiative and the D&I initiative, resulting in more focused use of resources and the ability to achieve goals.

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