Despite a sharp reduction in attacks, terrorism remains a serious cause of concern. It is worth noting that although the largest drop in fatalities was seen in Baluchistan it still remains most affected by militancy, mainly due to the disorder in the neighbouring Afghanistan where certain elements inimical to this country have been sheltering these terrorists and using them to create instability in this country. The more serious source of trouble, however, are homegrown violent extremists and their supporters. They may be lying low but remain a clear and present danger to this state and society. Every now and then either a terrorist incident happens or counter terrorism departments in the provinces report aborted attempts at violence. Whilst the latest CRSS report offers some comfort, there is no room for smugness. Normalcy will return only when militancy in all its forms manifestations is eliminated root and branch. That will take time and unremitting resolve on the part of the government and the law enforcement agencies. It is a long fight, but one which has to be fought without any letup.