Apropos different news regarding Kashmir Trade: It is clarified that Kashmir trade is in fact name of limited trade between Azad Kashmir and Occupied Kashmir. These goods are brought into Azad Kashmir for local consumption, without payment of duty and taxes and can not be further carried to the tariff area of Pakistan, some unscrupulous elements in grab of this limited regional trade are bringing in without paying duty taxes which used to be brought into the country through Wagha Border, after payment of duty taxes.
Such practice is in fact smuggling not trade, the act of these elements is tantamount to protecting and enhancing the economic interest of India on expense of the Pakistan economy and their agitation for allowing this smuggling is against national interest, said a press release issued here on Tuesday.
Pakistan Customs will continue its operations against such elements and smuggled goods in light of relevant laws and rules. At this junction when India is committing heinous crimes against Kashmiris, the act of smuggling of Indian goods which is promoting Indian economic interests and damaging Pakistan's, is identical to betrayal of the national as well as Kashmir cause. Pakistan Customs will continue its operations without any fear and favor in the national interest.-PR