Shareholding pattern
A considerable part of the company is owned by associated companies, undertakings and related parties. Nearly 63 percent of shares are held by Packages Limited. Another key shareholder of the company is the local general public at 21 percent followed by 'others'. The remaining ownership is distributed between the remainder categories as depicted in the table.
As per the company's recent report, it foresees a recovery in volumes with the stabilization of the currency and the economy at large. Since TRIPF's demand is derived from the growth of FMCG, a stabilization in the economy would encourage consumer spending and hence the company's demand. With a focus on operational and cost efficiency the company will be able to recover from the period of loss.
============================================================== TRIPF: Quarterly results ============================================================== Rs (mn) 9MCY18 9MCY18 YoY ============================================================== Net revenue 10,623 9,851 7.84% Cost of sales (9,524) (8,769) 8.61% Gross profit 1,099 1,082 1.57% Distribution costs (337) (278) 21.22% Administrative expenses (248) (228) 8.77% Operating profit 514 576 -10.76% Other income 46 39 17.95% Other expenses (1) (21) -95.24% Finance cost (668) (338) 97.63% Profit/(loss) before taxati (109) 256 -142.58% Taxation (284) (22) 1190.91% Profit after taxation (393) 234 -267.95% EPS (10.14) 6.03 ==============================================================
Source: Company accounts
============================================================== TRIPF: Pattern of shareholding as at December 31, 2018 ============================================================== Categories of shareholders % ============================================================== Directors, CEO, their spouses and minor children 2.22 Associated companies, undertakings and related parties 62.98 Insurance companies 1.91 Modarabas and mutual funds 1.92 General public: Local 21.36 Foreign 2.58 Others 7.03 ============================================================== Total 100 ==============================================================
Source: Company accounts
================================================================================ CY13 CY14 CY15 CY16 CY17 CY18 ================================================================================ Return on equity (%) 1.5 (12.20) 23.6 19.9 14.5 4.2 Return on capital employed (%) 10 9.5 22 22 21.1 14.7 Current ratio (times) 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.1 0.9 0.9 ================================================================================
Source: Company accounts