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Partly Facetious : PM's address

24 Jan, 2020

"So what did you think of Prime Minister Imran Khan's speech at the World Economic Forum?"

"Even though he did not address the plenary session like Donald Trump did, which would have meant all attending the World Economic Forum get to listen in, and even though the independent Pakistan Television did not pan the crowd even once, the crowd assembled to listen to him, I would rate his speech as Shah Mehmud Qureshi Plus."

"Your negativity needs to be condemned and I would urge National Accountability Bureau to investigate...."

"Hey I have never held public office or ever been a bureaucrat...."

"OK so not eligible for NAB but Federal Investigation Agency needs to investigate you and..."

"I live off inherited wealth..."

"Inherited from whom? I will let loose the Federal Board of Revenue...."

"It's all filed and documented."

"The Anti-Narcotics Force needs to check your home, your car, your person for any contraband items..."

"Hey I liked The Khan's speech for Pete's sake - it's just that I would want to know who was listening, and panning the crowd is routine you know, yes Hafeez Sheikh was sitting right up front which perhaps prompted the Prime Minister to praise his economic team and..."

"I will have you know if The Khan's vision for attracting tourists picks up then let's be honest his economic team members can lead groups to visit Pakistan and..."

"Oh stop it, besides what did you mean when you said his speech was Shah Mehmud Qureshi Plus?"

"All I meant was that The Khan's persona is much higher than The Shah's..."

"Hey The Khan is Stand Alone, no plus or minus."

"There I agree with you.....wait does that mean no one can ever be The Khan Plus?"

"Yes and all ye nay-sayers there can also never ever be The Khan Minus."

"Aye sire."

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