FINCA joins hands with The Citizens Foundation

As a part of its corporate social responsibility initiatives, FINCA Microfinance Bank Pakistan participated in this year's ILMATHON 2020 pledging to sponsor 1 year education of 18 students in collaboration with The Citizens Foundation (TCF).

The walk for a cause aimed to bring together people of all backgrounds to support TCF's mission. The walk initiated from Greenwich University, Karachi and finally culminated into a festival (mela). Speaking on the occasion, Farid Ahmed Khan, acting CEO FINCA Microfinance Bank, Pakistan commented: 'Enabling & supporting success in Pakistan and providing aid to the underprivileged are FINCA's main motto.

The Citizen's Foundation has dedicated the last 25 years towards educating our country & FINCA is proud to support this noble mission. There is still a long way to go but we as a company will ensure to participate in every capacity possible." -PR

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