Partly Facetious The JIT culture

21 Feb, 2020

"I am against Joint Investigation Teams."

"What are you a Nawala?"

"Excuse me?"

"Nawaz (as in Nawaz Sharif) means to bestow and you and I both know that The Nawaz bestowed nawalas (bite sized benefits) to his loyalists..."

"What was bestowed on Dar was a tad more than bite size."

"Definitions especially when employed with respect to politicians are all relative. So what is bite-sized for Dar is like a..."

"I get your point, so why does saying I am against JITs imply I am a nawala?"

"Don't you remember the Sharifs took selfies after the court decided to set up a JIT in the Panama case?"

"I see, as the Sharifs miscalculated the depth, shall we say, of forces aligned against them and I have it on good authority that the miscalculation was on the part of the Former Extremely Vocal First Daughter now Former Extremely Silent First Daughter..."

"Hmmm, I wasn't aware you are a Shabala, Shahbaz Sharif supporter, and..."

"Shabala is a female while Nawala is male so in our male dominated PML-N I reckon you are implying..."

"Don't be facetious - anyway I am opposed to JITs because they undermine the ability of our civilian law enforcement agencies to undertake fair investigation."

"I ask you has any civilian investigation in recent months or even years led to a conviction..."

"Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz..."

"And I come back to miscalculation on their part."

"JITs are relevant because the opposition and the government are agreed that civilian institutions are biased."

"Hmmm, so the principle is agreed but what the JIT should be tasked to investigate there is no agreement - the government wants JIT on the murder of the journalist in Sindh and the PPP government has opposed it, then there is..."

"Welcome to Pakistani politics."

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