Ship carrying imported soybean not fumigated with methyl bromide: DPP

Department of Plant Protection (DPP), Ministry of National Food Security and Research on Thursday clarified that ship, carrying import consignment of soybean for oil extraction purpose, was not fumigated with Methyl Bromide as it was found free from live insect pests at the time of inspection at port conducted by the Quarantine Inspectors of DPP.

A statement issued from the Ministry of National Food Security and Research said the department undertook plant quarantine as per the provisions of Pakistan Plant Quarantine Act and International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures agreed under WTO-SPS Agreement.

The import and export consignments of plant material or agro-commodities undergo mandatory quarantine inspection and treatments (if required) to safeguard agricultural wealth from the introduction of exotic pests and diseases, it added.

When the issue of losses of human life highlighted in the media, immediately a subsequent inspection of the same ship was conducted.

Likewise, no evidence of treatment of the vessel with Methyl Bromide was found, it said, adding that this fact might further be clarified from the fact that no of DPP's Inspectors or crew of ship experienced any problem while exposed to ship.

It is pertinent to mention that Methyl Bromide was allowed worldwide for Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) purpose under the Montreal Protocol.

None of such incident is experienced in the past as DPP undertakes required precautionary measure as per SOPs and under supervision of authorized inspectors whenever there is a requirement of Methyl Bromide treatment.

Meanwhile, it also contradicted a news item appeared in section of local press regarding commercial fumigation company namely Progressive Fumigation Corporation registered with DPP had conducted fumigation of a container of old clothing with Methyl Bromide under the supervision DPP. This news was wrong on the basis of the fact that DPP deals only with agro-commodities.

Moreover, the aforesaid fumigation company was registered with DPP only for treatment of agro-commodities and DPP has no such other mandate to register fumigation companies.

The other contradictory news like soybean dust containing allergens causing health problems in human beings are also not related to the mandate of DPP.

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