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PACT Sindh launched: Exports to EU increased by 50 percent after grant of GSP+ status: envoy

27 Feb, 2020

European Union (EU) Ambassador to Pakistan, Androulla Kaminara on Wednesday said that Pakistan's exports to EU have increased by 50 percent after the grant of generalised scheme of preference (GSP+) status to the country in 2013.

While addressing the launch of Pakistan's Action to Counter Terrorism (PACT) Sindh, an EU financed project to empower the criminal justice institutions to prevent and counter terrorism, Androullah said EU and Pakistan have been enjoying trade relations for the last many years.

EU has become the most important trading partner as the GSP Plus regime has greatly helped Pakistan to export its products to EU market either on zero or close to zero duties.

She said under the arrangement, Pakistan has to implement 27 international conventions including those related to human and labour rights and good governance [to enjoy the preferential market access under the GSP+ facility].

She said that Pakistan has also made significant progress in the implementation of the 27-point Financial Action Task Force (FATF) action Plan. She said the country still needs to do more.

It is relevant to mention here that FATF has decided to keep Pakistan on its grey list for the next review to be held in June this year, as Pakistan has largely addressed 14 out of 27 action items.

On PACT, the EU ambassador stressed upon the need for strong international collaboration to counter terrorism. It remains a top priority in the EU's security dialogue with Pakistan and PACT Sindh falls under the framework of our common objectives and showcases our strong partnership, she said.

Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah, Home Secretary Sindh Dr Usman Chachar, Member Policy National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) Asif Paracha, and Office Incharge of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Danilo Campisi also spoke on the event which was held here at a local hotel.

The 18 months technical assistance programme to strengthen the criminal justice to counter terrorism with a specific reference to Sindh Province.

The project will improve the investigative processes and promote the use of forensic evidence during the prosecution stages of terrorism related cases. It will also strengthen the co-ordination between Sindh Province including Police, Prosecution and Judiciary while enhancing information sharing with NACTA and other federal institutions.

With the financial support of 4 million euros by the European Union, the PACT project was developed by the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) on behalf of Government of Pakistan in collaboration with the UNODC. During the project development stages both provincial and federal stakeholders were closely consulted to ensure that project objectives directly contribute to the needs of each institution.

In his opening remarks Asif Paracha appreciated and recognised the role of the international community particularly the European Union and UNODC in working closely with NACTA in delivering technical support to Pakistan to prevent and counter terrorism (CT).

Danilo Campisi in his remarks highlighted the importance of the project and said, "UNODC has been collaborating with the Government of Pakistan for over 40 years for delivering technical assistance in areas of priority to the host government and it is the evident success of PACT that led to an invitation from the Government of Pakistan for its expansion to the Sindh Province."

Dr Usman Chachar appreciated the financial contribution of the European Union and stated that we are committed to working with our international partners in overcoming the challenges posed by terrorism and its financing.

Syed Murad Ali Shah acknowledged the ongoing support of UNODC and the European Union in various areas and highlighted that PACT project would complement the Government of Sindh's efforts under Rule of Law roadmap.

The Government of Pakistan is in the process of implementing a National Action Plan against terrorism and the objectives of PACT Sindh project would directly contribute towards its implementation.

The PACT project has three main objectives including enhancing investigation processes and the use of forensic evidence by the Sindh Police Counter Terrorism Department for the preparation of terrorism cases.

Strengthening the capacity of the Sindh Law, Parliamentary Affairs and Criminal Persecution Department and Judicial to effectively prosecute and adjudicate terrorism cases.

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