"Ghabrana nahin, don't worry, so said The Khan."
"And that is what all other world leaders are saying to their public, it is necessary to stop the panic and..."
"Excuse me, but no one is saying that anymore - they are focused on stimulus packages, closures of all public places and..."
"And there you go, The Khan has also ordered closure and he has no money in the kitty to give a stimulus package, besides the IMF..."
"Yeah, yeah, but the hustle and bustle of our markets remain, if you know what I mean, unlike in the West..."
"That's not The Khan's fault - it's the psyche of the people of this country, but don't worry change is on the way..."
"Don't be facetious."
"I am not, it's not The Khan's fault that people are not self-isolating, or indeed avoiding markets, or..."
"Stockpiling on toilet paper?"
"Don't be facetious."
"No seriously, the West should import toilet paper from us because there is abundance of toilet paper in our markets. I would urge Razzak Dawood to explore European and American markets for sale of Pakistani made toilet paper and..."
"Our toilet paper is not as soft as Western toilet paper; besides there has been so much stocking of toilet paper in these markets that demand..."
"Don't be silly, this is a golden opportunity but tell me what lessons should have been learned."
"By whom? All?"
"Yes, see when there was the bird flu Ali Baba made millions and millions by launching on-line sales and with Coronavirus its vive la toilet paper for us and..."
"I said don't be facetious, people are dying and..."
"OK, the lesson learned for the West is to go the lota route and..."
"Oh dear God, I said don't be facetious."
"I stand corrected."