The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government to take action against officials who late filed an appeal against the Service Tribunal decision to restore two employees of the Education Department.
A two-judge bench, headed by Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed on Wednesday heard the appeal against the KP Service Tribunal.
The court expressed annoyance over the KP for not filing the appeal against the Service Tribunal in time.
The chief justice said the KP Education Department intentionally had filed the appeal late, adding this irresponsible behavior of the department was intolerable.
The KP additional advocate general (AAG) informed the bench that the KP Fitness Law Committee examine the cases fortnightly, and decide to file or not, the appeal against the decision of Tribunal and High Court.
The chief justice said almost every day they hear the cases against the KP government. He said the committee concerned should monitor the cases regularly, adding; "We are not advising them, but it should look into the matter regularly."
The bench maintained the order of the KP Service Tribunal, which restored the two female employees of the KP Education Department.
The tribunal had restored Rukhsana Begum and Ms Azmat into service.
The Education Department had both the ladies for as they were not appointed in accordance with the laid down criteria.
Meanwhile, the same bench set aside the Service Tribunal decision to pay pension to an employee of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Education department, who remained absent from service for 18 years.
Justice Ijazul Ahsan noted that Muhammad Riaz remained absent from the service for 18 years.
He questioned how an employee who remained absent for such a long period could be restored to service.
The appellant lawyer contented that his client remained in service for 14 years therefore he was entitled to pension and the benefits.
The AAG KP said that for forced retirement from service the period was 25 years.
The chief justice said the applicant had not benefit of 14 years service. The court accepting the KP government's appeal declared the decision of the provincial tribunal "set aside".