Nadia Jamil reveals breast cancer diagnosis, awaits surgery

03 Apr, 2020

Actor, host and activist Nadia Jamil announced early on Friday that she has been diagnosed with stage one breast cancer and a grade three tumour.

She took to Twitter to reveal that she was diagnosed last week and is now four days into treatment, but the experience has been a roller coaster ride for sure.

"In the last few days have felt all sorts of feelings from apprehension,fear, unbearably huge love to calm, acceptance, patience, overwhelming gratitude and a deep sense of responsibility to my children, parents, loved ones, myself, you," Nadia tweeted.

She also urged women to carry out regular checks and act quickly if they noticed anything out of the ordinary. "Do NOT ever ignore your body, your health." Nadia added that she awaits a surgery date soon and asked fans not to worry about her.

Nadia is one of the most vocal and active members on Pakistani Twitter, regularly commenting and responding to fans and requests for help alike. She warned in advance that she will no longer be as responsive as she usually is due to the illness and how exhausted it can be. "Sometimes I get very tired. Then I realise I need to reserve my strength so I can fight this illness and can eventually wave bye bye to my cancer."

Nadia added she can't bring herself to hate the disease. "This too is teaching me some wonderful lessons!"

We wish her a speedy recovery!

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