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Three more disinfection walk-through gates installed

As part of measures taken to prevent and control the spread of coronavirus, three more disinfection walk-through gates have been installed in the federal capital.
Out of these, two walk-through gates have been installed at G-9 outside a Utility Store by the ICT Administration with the cooperation of the CDA. After completing the installation and making the walk-through gates operational they have been handed over to the Utility Store's management.
A walk-through disinfection gate has been installed at Tarlai Panahgah (shelter home) with the help of donors. The ICT Administration has planned to install 20 sanitising walk-through gates at separate locations of Islamabad.
Gates have been installed at Sabzi Mandi and G-9 Markaz, while work of installation of two sanitising walk-through gates at the Pak Secretariat is in progress. In the meanwhile, the Chief Commissioner office in collaboration with the NDMA and the CDA has coordinated spraying chemical in Sector I-10.
The civil society, traders' community and other segments of the society participated in the activity. During which the whole sector including mosques, markets, marakaz and other areas including the OGDCL Quarantine Centre were sprayed.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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