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Resumption of limited operation: Industrial units allowed to operate as per SOPs set for combating Covid-19

In the wake of resumption of limited operation in the industrial units, the Punjab industries, commerce, investment & skills development department has issued SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for industrial units, industrial zones, industrial units offices, stores, goods' transportation in industrial unit or premises to deal with coronavirus.
The provincial government allowed to work in industrial units manufacturing surgical goods, pharma, sports, meat and meat products, vegetable and fruit processing industries.
The department in its notification said that all these SOPs are mandatory for all and any type of industrial unit operating in Punjab as well as all industrial estates, public or privately managed, to display the instructions at every prominent place as well as follow the instructions in letter and spirit.
According to the SOPs, raw materials, dissembled parts of machinery, and any other material required to be processed by an industrial unit for a finished product shall be only allowed to enter the industrial unit or premises after the vehicle is completely sanitized and disinfected at the entry point.
Temperature of the drivers, conductors, loaders and other staff of the vehicle transporting such materials shall be monitored at entry points along with other indicators of COVID-19 that are flu, cough and muscular pain etc. No person(s) associated with such vehicles having any or all symptoms of COVID19 shall be allowed to enter the industrial unit or premises.
The material like steel, wood, cloth, iron, plastic keep the COVID-19 for days, therefore, all such raw material shall be properly sanitized and disinfected before entry to an industrial unit or premises is granted.
Seating arrangement of such vehicles amongst the individuals occupying it shall be 3 feet distance. Moreover proper head gear, gloves, gown and masks shall be worn by the individuals.
The entry and exit points to and from an industrial zone shall be strictly monitored, and entry would be restricted, where possible. Record of all individuals and vehicles entering and exiting the premise shall be maintained.
A holding area or quarantine shall be maintained to accommodate suspected persons till the receipt of results of their tests, and further process, in case of positive result of the test. An audit team of industries department will visit every zone daily, and check on all the above SOPs.
The Punjab Information Technology Board will develop tracking app for all employees to be installed by all factory workers and individuals involved in any food processing process. This app will track movement of individuals to ensure they don't meet unnecessary people before, during or after work or violate partial shutdown rules.
The app will also help in tracing contact chain in case the particular individual contracts corona. If found corona positive, this app will alert all contacts the individual has met that they may be possibly infected so they can go into immediate quarantine/isolation.
The premises or units shall be equipped with sanitizers, soaps, masks, towel tissues and temperature thermal scanners and shall be disinfected invariably at the start of every shift. The units shall be staffed with trained clinical staff /doctor. The units will ensure a hotline for availability of ambulance for immediate transfer in case of suspected person to main quarantine facility.
The premises of the units shall be closed immediately on confirmation of COVID-19 person as a result of lab test, and it shall continue to be so till thorough sanitization and disinfecting is undertaken.
The SOPs restrict the management to ban the entry of unauthorized persons to the premises or the unit. The standard SOPs of COVID-19 at industries premises in Urdu with pictorials shall be displayed and each and every person shall be communicated these instructions through sessions and other means.
Moreover, ventilation of air shall be ensured. This shall be carried out by keeping doors, and windows open and all washrooms to be kept sanitized and disinfected, and shall be re-sanitized and disinfected after each use - including drying disposable cups, glasses and plates for drinks and meals shall be ensured. Their disposal after one-time-use may be ensured general chlorination spray in complete premises shall be carried out once every day.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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