"What will happen to Gotham city if Batman and his Batmobile are no longer functional?"
"Really! That's your comment! Gotham city is a fictional city and need I add not a fiction that dates back to ancient times with believers but the product of a comic book; Batman is a super hero who does not exist and is unlikely to and the world has yet to produce a batmobile that has the capacity to go faster than anything ever imagined, fly and go on water and..."
"Ah, but didn't you hear a new world order has come into effect with the Coronavirus, and precisely what that would be varies from analyst to analyst and maybe, just maybe, crime would rise as economies are stifled beyond what is bearable and then we would need some batmen and some batmobiles and..."
"We have batmen galore - The Tiger force under the able leadership of Usman Dar would go around disseminating The Khan's message and..."
"What can the Tiger force do if the government faces a challenge in the assemblies? Jehangir Tareen and his batmobile have propped up this government again and again and again..."
"For your information, The Khan has his own batmobile now - remember the Prime Minister's plane and then there is the helicopter that transports him from one location to another within Gotham city and..."
"But these are items associated with his position, if the position is not there..."
"You forget he has spiritual guidance, if the position goes he would know in advance and take appropriate mitigating measures..."
"One question: Boris Johnson is in intensive care and his backup was Raab, what happens if The Khan is not able to perform his functions for awhile..."
"We have numerous high level committees that have representation from the civilian and military..."
"But who would sit in the chairman's chair? I mean who would The Khan nominate you reckon?"
"Well, certainly not batman? Not Shah Mehmud either, he doesn't trust him, not Hafeez Sheikh or Container Shah or Umer Ayub or...or shall we say all the new recruits to the party ranks because The Khan knows that's where his wickets will fall."
"May I make a guess?"
"I reckon Zulfi Bukhari - he is loyal beyond a shadow of doubt. Don't laugh..."
"You have heard the expression he who laughs last laughs best."
"Indeed, but it ain't gonna be you."