Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has said that during last 24 hours 86 new cases have emerged while one person despite defeating coronavirus, lost his life due to the complications created by COVID-19 and the deceased was his brother-in-law.
In a video message released from the CM House, the chief minister said that till Friday morning 586 new test were conducted, of them 86 turned to be positive. So far 12,209 tests have been conducted. He added that 1214 cases have been diagnosed in the province.
Mr Shah said that 358 or 30 percent persons of the diagnosed patients recovered while 22 persons or 1.8 percent have recovered. At present 521 patient are in home isolation and 35 are under in isolation centres.
Mr Shah said that his brother-in-law Syed Mahdi Shah was diagnosed as positive on March 8 and was hospitalized. He recovered from Coronavirus and his two tests were declared as negative but the coronavirus infection badly affected his lungs and failed his renal system. "He defeated Coronavirus but succumbed to renal failure," he said and "may God rest him eternal peace."
The chief minister said that under the notified SOP Syed Mahdi Shah was buried. "I have received thousands of condolence messages from the people and most of them I don't know," he said and thanked all those who have offered him condolence. He urged his friends to pray for the departed soul at their homes.
It may be noted that 278 patients are under treatment in 16 hospitals in different districts of the province. Out of 1214 cases 779 or 69 percent care are of local transmission.
On the instruction of the chief minister 36 Isolation centres with 4396 beds have been established all over Sindh. Apart from it 12 Intensive Care Units with 292 beds have also been developed.
The chief minister urged the people to people to say home and keep social distance from their family members. "I am worried about you and your family," he told the people. He advised the people of the province to follow the SOP and doctors advise and in case of ignorance or non-compliance one could be the carrier of the virus and infect the others, including his or her family members.
"Mr Shah said that every one of us would have to develop new discipline in our day to day life. The number of cases is on the increase and now every case is local transmission and we have to contain it," he said.