Mastercard launches Girls4Tech Connect learning programme

Mastercard has extended access to its signature Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculum, Girls4Tech, through a suite of new online, creative educational resources. The program has been designed to help parents and teachers engage and inspire kids, ages 8-12.

Girls4Tech Connect, as well as through activities made in collaboration with Mastercard's education partner Scholastic, teachers and parents in Pakistan and across the globe can download lessons to help students learn about STEM topics from the comfort of their homes.

These activities are built on global science and math standards - and incorporate Mastercard's deep expertise in payments technology and innovation - to enable children to discover a range of STEM careers, such as Fraud Detective, Data Scientist and Software Engineer.

"Mastercard is pleased to launch Girls4Tech Connect, a fun, engaging and motivating learning platform with plenty of activities and resources to encourage youngsters to pursue STEM disciplines from home.

Mastercard recognizes the fact that we are living in a challenging era, which has propelled educators and parents to rethink and adapt to new and innovative ways of learning," said Magdy Hassan, General Manager - Egypt & Pakistan, Mastercard.-PR

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020

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