He expressed these views during a meeting with Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Health Minister Taimur Jhagra on Monday. During the meeting, Jhagra apprised the PM about KP government’s relief measures and arrangements made for treatment of coronavirus patients and prevention of the spread of pandemic in the province.
The health minister also presented a short paper to Imran Khan on economic challenges facing the KP and the country. The prime minister appreciated the provincial government's efforts in wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Imran said the cooperation with all provinces would continue to cope with the situation. He said the officials concerned should visit the affected areas and ensure availability of the required services to the poor people at their doorstep.
He said that apart from devising strategies to deal with the COVID-19 situation, the government officials and representatives must look after and care for the poor and working class. He maintained the livelihood of such people should be protected at all costs.
He pointed out that the federal government is providing all-out assistance and support to all provinces to control the spread of coronavirus.
Meanwhile, as part of efforts to cope with the coronavirus outbreak, the provincial government established 275 quarantine centres with the capacity to accommodate 18,000 persons.
They KP chief minister also announced Rs32 billion as relief package at the provincial level to assist those affected by the lockdown. Besides, 583 ventilators have been acquired to facilitate extreme cases of COVID-19.
In addition, keeping in view the emergency situation, 638 regular and 1,299 contract doctors have been recruited in the province to augment the medical teams treating the Covid-19 patients.