Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation, Customs, Gwadar on Thursday claimed to have thwarted an attempt to smuggle Pakistani currency to Iran via sea route of Jiwani.
According to details, the Directorate has received credible information that huge amount of Pakistani currency was being smuggled through sea route of Jiwani to Iran.
Reacting on this information, the Directorate has mounted joint surveillance with Frontier Corps 88 Wing.
As a result, a bike KKV-6947 was found suspicious as the rider tried to flee while snap checking on a coastal route. Therefore, staff of the Directorate along with Frontier Corps 88 Wing started tracing the bike.
As like other customs departments' repeated claims, the Directorate also stated that the suspect left the bike behind and ran away and they remained unable to nab him but a bag along with the bike were recovered.
However, no one knows the exact recovered amount from the bag because the suspect managed to flee but the Directorate claimed that the bag was stuffed with Rs. 7 million. Consequent upon recovery, a bag and bike were taken into custody. Further investigation is in progress.