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NIT-Asset Allocation Fund launched

National Investment Trust Limited (NITL) has successfully launched its Asset Allocation Fund (NIT-AAF). Experienced Fund Managers of NIT Funds will allocate investments between Equity & Debt Markets as per market conditions to achieve competitive returns in volatile market conditions.

Investors can invest with and amount as low as Rs 5,000 while the subsequent investment can be with Rs 1,000. The Asset Allocation Fund will be actively allocated between equities, fixed income instruments and money market instruments.

The Fund will help investors to achieve optimal returns with additional benefits such as low management fee, professional fund management expertise, no minimum holding period, ease of redemption, applicable tax benefit and no penalty on withdrawal.

To facilitate our more than 55,000 unit holders, NIT has a strong nationwide distribution network which comprises of 27 online branches, investors' facilitation centre and a customer care call centre.-PR

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