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MOL operation continuing despite pandemic

With zero reported cases of Covid-19 in its exploration and production fields of KP through strictly maintaining health, safety and environment undertakings of the company, MOL Pakistan is wholly committed to keeping its operation running to meet the energy demand of the country despite testing times.

According to a statement issued by the company here on Thursday, MOL Pakistan has formulated Country Pandemic Operative Response Plan in line with recommendations of the WHO and the National Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19 by the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination.

More than 500 employees were working in different fields across KP and at the headquarters in Islamabad that are stringently observing the safety protocols set by the management following the CPOR. Under CPOR, the company was guaranteeing high levels of screening and rapid testing protocols. Cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces, frequent fogging, increased food safety, travel restrictions and bans, along with implementing effective precautionary measures such as frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rubs or soap and water, maintaining social distance, and self-isolation is strictly observed/followed when necessary.

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