Addressing a press conference in Islamabad on Friday, he said that PM was concerned regarding the welfare of the daily-wage workers in case a total lockdown was imposed in the country. "The government provided labourers with Rs12,000 while keeping their self-respect intact."
He added incentives were given to industries to while the government also opened the construction sector despite facing criticism.
Regarding coronavirus, Faraz said that it is a national problem and cannot be solved on provincial basis. He mentioned that both the federal and Sindh government are on the same page as situation continues to evolve.
Shibli Faraz said the country cannot afford complete lockdown and the Sindh government also realised that restrictions cannot be tightened. "It is need of the hour that country's economy should continue to grow ," he remarked.
To a question, he said that it is the prime minister's decision to change team members keeping in view the situation and interest of the country.