As per details, the number of confirmed virus cases in the country has soared to 19,103. Of the total number of cases, 7,106 cases were reported in Punjab, 7,102 in Sindh, 2,907 in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 1,172 in Balochistan, 356 in Gilgit-Baltistan, 393 in Islamabad and 67 in Azad Kashmir.
One new case emerged in Azad Jammu and Kashmir while 16 new cases were detected in Gilgit Baltistan.
Meanwhile, the government's Covid-19 portal has reported 64 additional recoveries across Pakistan. The total number of recovered patients has reached 4,817.
Earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan warned that though the number of cases in Pakistan is lower than many other countries of the world, the country might face increased coronavirus cases from May 15 onwards, bringing the healthcare system under a significant pressure.
He said the country has less Covid-19 cases compared to a large number of countries in the world as the federal government took the timely decision of imposing a lockdown.