Punjab sets new guidelines for ADP 2020-21 in response to Covid-19

The Planning & Development Board Punjab arranged a high-powered meeting here on Thursday to prepare new guidelines for annual development programme 2020-21 in response to the financial and economic recovery phase after the natural calamity of Covid-19.

The meeting discussed new strategies on the formulation of annual development programme in response to post Covid 19, chaired by Secretary P&D Imran Sikander Baloch, at P&D Complex.

The key message of the new ADP strategy is to use Punjab's post covid-19 Public Investment Strategy RISE PUNJAB (responsive investment for social protection and economic stimulus) to redevelop its growth framework and priorities. The primary agenda of the aforesaid is to form new strategies that will help in dealing with after effects of the Covid-19 in terms of economic crisis and to help the vulnerable groups susceptible to the financial setback.

During the session, the Secretary P&D said the utmost focus of the government was to take imperative measures to help its people for economic revival after the pandemics. He also discussed that the Punjab government's latest strategy for ADP 2020-21 would be developed under the guidelines set by RISE Punjab.

The Punjab Growth Strategy 2023 no longer represents a relevant model or growth trajectory as it had never envisaged a massive structural shock to the economy with an unknown duration, therefore, the government intends to take immediate step to revise its strategies for ADP 2020-21 formulation.

He further discussed the importance of revising the ADP 2020-21 strategies. He said the government of Punjab had already taken imperative measures to fulfil the immediate requirements of the common man.

The government's main focus is to launch growth generating schemes, public & small works schemes that will help in reviving the economic circle of the people of Punjab.

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