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Partly Facetious: Refined sugar!

21 May, 2020

"So will Shahbaz Sharif be arrested after Eid or won't he! Yes, sayeth GG."

"GG as in gotta go? No wait it is probably an acronym for good game - I mean here is this guy who returned from the UK where he was living in the lap of luxury to come home to a house which is even more luxurious all to play the good game..."

"He had no sword of Damocles hanging over his head in London."

"Right, but if you recall I said so sayeth GG, sayeth is an old term for says, therefore I meant an individual. Who are you spending your days with? Meera? Your English has become as refined as the sugar manufactured by our sugar millers - and that's the crème de la crème of our political landscape - the Zardaris, the Sharifs, Tareen sahib, the Bakhtiars..."

"Are you referring to Khusro Bakhtiar's family! If so you are so out of it! For your information our rich landlords do not, I repeat do not, take their father's last name though if they have been exposed to cities they do, you have the Zardaris, the Shah Mehmud Qureshi's offspring..."

"Right, so who does GG stand for?"

"Growing Girth and that would be Shahzad Akbar."

"Hmmm, this comes under defamation laws!"

"I think not, there is not a single defamation case in this country where the court has ruled against the accused."

"Right, but you know I find it ridiculous that GG goes into the Press Information Department and then proceeds to ask questions from Shahbaz Sharif! I mean does this happen anywhere other than in this country! Surely if you are a private individual and have proof against another you go to court; if you are in government then if you have proof activate the relevant agency."

"Some federal ministers claim National Accountability Bureau is not under the government while GG reveals data he got from NAB."

"Hey he has FIA and the police!"

"Both are under Container Shah and he is too busy setting up road blocks all over Islamabad..."

"Maryam Aurangzeb has also been summoned..."

"You talk, you pay!"

"Is that why Shahbaz Sharif and his niece are quiet?"

"Noooo, the big guns are exempt from this principle, I was actually talking about Jehangir Tareen."

"You are so bad."

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